How to Align with Investors to Raise Money for your Startup

Dec 19, 2023

Connecting with investors is always a challenge. We spoke about these challenges and how to overcome them with Daniel Sawko, the co-founder of, a free research platform that aggregates data from the web to help founders identify relevant investors. Daniel has been part of a startup that raised $5M and is deep in the world of finance and startup investing. Here are seven tips he has for startup founders: 

1. Understanding Investor Alignment

The key to successful fundraising is identifying investors with interests aligned with your startup. It's not just about finding any investor but finding the right one who is passionate about your domain. This alignment increases the likelihood of a meaningful conversation and, eventually, a successful partnership.

2. Leverage Research

Conduct thorough research on potential investors. You increase your chances of success if you can identify investors who are a good fit for your startup based on their interests and past investments. Leverage data tools and platforms to save time and effort, such as LinkedIn, Sales Navigator, Crunchbase, and of course Daniel’s own

3. Prepare Your Documentation

Having your documentation in order, especially a data room, is crucial. This preparation shows investors you're serious and ready for due diligence. The likelihood of a successful raise increases when your startup appears organized and prepared.

4. Personalize Your Outreach

When reaching out to investors, personalize your approach whenever possible. Reference specific reasons why you're contacting them, based on your research. This personal touch can make your outreach stand out and demonstrate your commitment to building a meaningful relationship.

5. Focus on Building Relationships

Fundraising is not just about the transaction; it's about building relationships. Start conversations without immediately bringing up capital. Show investors what you can offer as a domain expert and visionary in your field. This approach creates a more balanced and mutually beneficial relationship.

6. Be Ready for Quick Action

Investors appreciate startups that are ready to move quickly. If an investor shows interest, being able to provide detailed information promptly can make a significant difference. Time kills deals, so agility and responsiveness are essential. 

7. Focus on a common goal

Your startup is set to bring something new to the world. If you succeed, it will make a change for the better and bring prosperity to all those involved in its making. Aim to create a common goal with your investors, and see them as your true (potential) partners. Seek out those who have already shown that they care for the goals you have set out to achieve, and connect along those common grounds.


Raising capital is more than just finding an investor. It's about finding the right partner, being well-prepared, and building a relationship based on mutual interests and respect. By following these tips, startup founders can increase their chances of not only securing capital but also finding a partner who will contribute to their long-term success.

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