Save your time and energy - 5 startup tips by Scot Chisholm

Jul 23, 2024

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Scot Chisholm is the founder and CEO of Classy (acquired by GoFundMe), and more recently of Haskill Creek, a new spin on the traditional pharmacy. He’s a serial entrepreneur, as well as an investor in many startups. 

He built Classy to a team of 300 people and raised more than $200M for his various ventures, so he has a lot to share with aspiring founders. You can read more of Scot’s advice on his website and newsletter.

Here are 5 of his best tips for startup founders, on saving your time and energy:

1. No Meetings Before 10 AM: Protect your morning hours for deep work and planning. Use this time for focused tasks, strategic thinking, or personal routines. Starting your day on your terms sets a productive tone for the rest of it.

2. Breaks Between Meetings: Create buffer zones between appointments. Use these breaks to reflect, prepare, or handle urgent matters. This practice reduces stress and improves the quality of your interactions. You'll enter each meeting more focused and prepared, leading to more productive outcomes.

3. Block Out Creative Time: Dedicate a few concentrated hours, each week, to creativity and innovation. Use this time for brainstorming, passion projects, or tackling challenges that require fresh thinking. Then take an afternoon off. This mini-break often leads to breakthrough ideas. Consider dedicating your whole Friday to get a smooth transition into the weekend. 

4. Effective Meetings Only: First, establish clear rules for meetings: every meeting must have a purpose, time limit, and focused objectives. Assign ownership and manage discussions actively. Conclude with clear action items. Well-run meetings save time and boost team engagement and output. You’ll also discover you need less of them.

5. Stop Micromanaging: Trust your team to handle their responsibilities without constantly checking on them. Set clear expectations, provide resources, and then step back. Instead of micromanaging, empower your team and free your time for high-level strategy and leadership tasks. 

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