The power of storytelling on your startup’s journey

Jan 16, 2024

In the world of startups, the power of storytelling often determines the trajectory of success. Here are some of the essentials to winning investments and more with your startup’s story, based on our conversation with startup-storytelling expert Robbie Crabtree, the co-founder of Potential AI.

1. The Startup Storytelling Framework

The foundation of startup storytelling lies in two pivotal elements:

  • Founder Origin Story (FOS): This is the narrative that delves deep into the background of the founder or founding team. It’s not just about what you are doing, but why you are the one to do it. The FOS should vividly depict your unique journey, experiences, and motivations that led to the inception of your startup.
  • Startup Vision Story (SVS): Here, the focus shifts to what the future could look like with your startup's contributions. It’s about crafting a compelling vision that encapsulates your startup's potential impact on the market, society, or even the world.

2. The Journey to Discovering Your Origin Story

Unearthing your origin story is a process of introspection and connection. Robbie suggests looking back to formative years to identify key moments that have shaped your entrepreneurial path. This narrative should be authentic and resonate with your personal experiences, effectively linking your past to your startup's mission. It’s not just a backstory; it’s the heart of your entrepreneurial spirit. 

3. Tailoring Your Story for Different Stakeholders

The basic framework of your story will remain the same when you talk to different stakeholders. However, you need to adjust and refine it to suit different stakeholders and their respective interests and concerns:

  • For investors, focus on potential returns, market disruption, and scalability.
  • When addressing employees, emphasize company culture, vision, and their vital role in this journey.
  • For customers, the story should revolve around the benefits and value your product brings to their lives.

4. Adapting the Narrative as Your Startup Evolves

Startup stories are dynamic, not static. In the early stages, the narrative might center around vision and initial validation. As the startup matures, particularly around Series A, the focus should shift to data-driven growth, differentiation, and scalability strategies. It's essential to reflect the startup's growth and learning in the evolving story.

5. The Constant: Your Origin Story

Even as your startup grows and changes, the origin story remains a constant anchor. It provides context and a sense of journey, celebrating the growth and resilience of the startup. This story serves as a reminder of where you started and how far you've come, forming a vital part of your startup's identity. It also helps you engage and move your listeners by making it personal and real. 


Effective storytelling is an art that can significantly impact a startup's journey. Your story is not just a narrative; it's the essence of your startup, encapsulating your past, present, and vision for the future.

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