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How to use an investor list: A guide for startups Sep 05, 2023

Lists of investors can be found in various places on the web. A good investor list can save you a ton of time and become an integral part of your fundraising process.
This is a guide on how to...

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Startup founders: Keep your cool to raise capital Aug 29, 2023

To raise capital you need to keep your cool and be strong when facing investors. Using cold outreach to consistently get into meetings with qualified investors will help you with that. 


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How to Deal with Fake Startup Investors Aug 22, 2023

One of the most annoying and disheartening problems startups face when raising capital is dealing with people who present themselves as investors but do not actually have immediate access to the...

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5 Keys to Raising Capital Using Cold Outreach to Investors Aug 15, 2023

Many startup founders lose faith in their ability to raise money from investors they’ve met through cold outreach because they attempted to do it and failed. When I talk to these founders, I...

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Holding your head up high when reaching out to investors: 8 tips for startup founders Aug 08, 2023

As time goes by from your last round, raising capital becomes a pressing need, but ironically, the more you need it the harder it is to get. Investors don’t want to invest when they sense...

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The Teaser Deck: A Guide for Startups Aug 01, 2023

Every startup founder knows the power of a compelling pitch deck when it comes to securing investor buy-in. However, what often gets overlooked is the need to create multiple versions of the pitch...

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13 Rules for Communicating with Investors Jul 25, 2023

Raising money from investors is a lot of work, hard work. Any amount of efficiency, focus, and know-how you add, will leverage your success and speed up your capital raise. We've accompanied...

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4 Keys to Making Your Startup Website Investor-Ready Jul 18, 2023

Your website is the digital face of your startup, and many investors will pay it a visit before deciding to meet you. Setting it up correctly will help you generate trust and is almost as important...

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7 ways cold investor outreach beats warm intros Jul 11, 2023

Most investors and experienced startup founders will tell you that getting warm introductions is the best way to connect with investors and raise money successfully. They are right, and they are...

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5 Things to Highlight About Your Startup When Approaching Investors Jun 27, 2023

Many investors feel swamped with pitches from eager startup founders vying for their attention and investment. The sheer volume of potential opportunities means investors need to make swift initial...

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Giving to Investors as a Startup Founder Jun 20, 2023

When embarking on the journey to build your investor network and arrange consequential meetings with potential investors, so much of it lies in your mindset and approach. It might seem...

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Harnessing the Superpower of LinkedIn for Finding Investors May 31, 2023

As a startup founder, the journey to secure funding can often feel like navigating a maze of uncertainty. The key lies in connecting with the right investors who not only believe in your vision but...

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